Welcome to Trafalgar Masonic Lodge No. 712 in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.

We Make Good Men Better…

Becoming a Mason doesn’t make you a better person.…”

Wait! It does!

… and THIS is How:


Making Life-Long Friendships and Bonds

Masonic Education & Ritual

Where Freemasonry Comes to Life

Community Action

Positively Strengthening Communities

And now, a word from our District Deputy Grand Master (D.D.G.M.)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Being a mason doesn’t make you better than everyone else; it just makes you a better you.

Trafalgar Lodge No. 712 is in Hamilton District “A” in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Canada A.F.A.M in the Province of Ontario

Meeting Masons is as easy as just showing up at Mo’s Family Restaurant at 8:00AM on the second Saturday of each month located at 467 Speers Road, Oakville

Looking forward to seeing you!

Trafalgar Masonic Lodge No. 712 in Oakville, Ontario making a donation for $5,400 donated to FOOD4KIDS

7 replies on “Welcome to Trafalgar Masonic Lodge No. 712 in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.”

Hello This is Jorge I’m a Mexican apprentice mason living in oakville since 20 days ago, I’d like to visit you and join you, if it’s posible. Is there a brother phone number that I can talk with ? I’d like to get some info. This is my phone number 3657394395


Hi Jorge,
Thanks for reaching out! We are glad to have connected with you and look forward to seeing you again, possibly at Lodge this Thursday.

Hi Ronald,
Thank you for your interest. We will be in touch soon. There were a few technical troubles with the notification so we apologize for the delay in responding. Looking forward to connecting.

Under Masonic Links please rectify the MASONICh.I.P. website link
Please also note how the words are in caps with a lowercase h and punctuation MASONICh.I.P.

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