Why Join Trafalgar Lodge No. 712?

  • Trafalgar Lodge No. 712 is one of the most active, progressive, and exciting masonic Lodges in our district (Hamilton ‘A’ District)

What is Masonry?

  • Masonry, or Freemasonry, is the world’s oldest & largest Fraternal organization. 
  • It is a multicultural organization made of of all races, faiths, and ideologies. 
  • Masonry reflects and binds the diversity in our communities.
  • To see more click HERE

Why Does Masonry Exist?

  • Masonry enables & nurtures men to be the best man HE can BE
  • Masonry benefits & support individuals, families, & communities through our many community actions and activities
  • To see more click HERE

Who is a Mason?

  • Men who are 21 years of age or older
  • Men of all races, faiths, ideologies
  • Men dedicated to personal development over time
  • To see more click HERE

What is a Lodge?

  • The lodge is the basic unit in Masonry. A man becomes a Mason by joining a lodge to which he pays annual dues to maintain good standing.
  • Lodges are located in every city, most towns and many villages throughout Ontario. Most lodges meet once a month on a stated day, and take a recess during the summer months, although there are exceptions.
  • Meetings are conducted in private to which members only are admitted. However, Masonry is a family affair and there are many social events, special occasions, and ‘open house’ presentations when family, friends and the public are invited. Many lodges hold annual ladies’ nights, barbecues, and picnics.
  • Any of the senior members of the lodge will be happy to answer any further questions you might have and would welcome the opportunity to explain the history and philosophy of our fraternity.
  • Each lodge works under the authority of the Grand Lodge Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario, presided over by the Grand Master.
  • Lodges in Ontario are organized geographically into Districts, each of which is supervised by a District Deputy Grand Master (DDGM) acting as the personal representative of the Grand Master.

How Can I Join?

  • To join our Trafalgar Masonic Lodge No.712, please contact our secretary at sec_trafalgar@hamiltondistrictamasons.org.
  • To join another lodge, see the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario website contact form HERE


Freemasonry is all about…

Making Good Men Better.

Freemasonry is the oldest and largest fraternal organization in the world. Its members share a common goal of helping each other become better men. Its body of knowledge and system of ethics is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, faith, country, and fraternity.

Its roots go back centuries and its members are diverse: high profile leaders, physicians, construction workers, farmers…and maybe you.

Ancient…and modern.

We’re united by three ancient and fundamental principles—brotherly love, charity and truth—that are made relevant to the 21st century through the personal development, good works and social connections available to our members in the 550+ lodges across Ontario.

Great benefits…for you and the world.

Freemasonry offers much to its members—the opportunity to grow, the chance to make a difference and the means to build a better world for our children. It offers the chance to socialize and work with men who have the same values and ideals.

We strengthen and improve our character by learning and practicing basic virtues of fraternal love, charity, and truth. Our principles extend far beyond our interactions with each other, and we strive to apply them to our daily lives.

And there’s so much more!!