We hope to see many of our members and other visitors attending this rare and special event. See the Lodge Calendar for details.
Category: Lodge Activity
Trafalgar Lodge No.712 General Lodge News
Congratulations to our newest Fellowcraft Mason, Brother Filippin!! His work for the evening and that of the degree team was exemplary. This evening was extra special as Trafalgar Lodge #712 also hosted our DDGM’s official visit and banquet . Several brethren from the accompanying lodge, Campbell Lodge #603, and other visiting lodges were also in attendance.
Our last regular meeting held this past second Thursday night, March 9th, hosted a rare and special event indeed for Trafalgar Lodge No. 712 here in Oakville, ON. We welcomed three new members by way of three separate means:
- Bro. Joseph R. – By Regular Initiation
- Bro. Thomas J. – By Affiliation from another lodge
- Bro. Matteo S. – By Restoration/Reinstatement from past membership
Please join us in congratulating our newest members.
Congratulations to Trafalgar Masonic Lodge #712 newest member and Entered Apprentice, Dariusz S. It was a special February, 2023 night for all and we look forward to supporting and reporting upon Dariusz’s masonic journey in the near future. Welcome aboard Dariusz!
The W. Brother Don F., his family, and the Trafalgar Lodge No. 712 attending brethren celebrated this proud moment for all in attendance in the Regular Meeting held in November. These honors are indeed a true and significant testament to the longevity and lasting benefits and positive impact of a dedicated Mason’s Masonic journey and shared brotherhood.

Congratulations to Trafalgar Mason Lodge #712 newest second degree Fellowcraft, Farokh G. He has wasted no time working diligently to prepare for and successfully pass to the second degree of Fellowcraft. We look forward to supporting and reporting on Farokh’s continued masonic journey towards Master Mason. Congratulations Farokh!

Congratulations to Trafalgar Masonic Lodge #712 newest third degree master mason, Nick B. We are all proud of the efforts by Nick to achieve this milestone and look forward to his successful proving in the third degree in the near future. Congratulations Nick!

Congratulations to Trafalgar Masonic Lodge #712 newest member and Entered Apprentice, Roger P. It was a special night for all and we look forward to supporting and reporting upon Roger’s masonic journey in the near future. Welcome aboard Roger!

Brethren & Friends,
Thank you so very much for you attendance, participation, and support today!
It was a great tournament with fraternal fun and play.
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. R. Pimm (Centre in Image) for his great win and enthusiastic play. Roger made great use of his perhaps misspent childhood! Lol
Our thanks to Bro. M. Wright (Right in Image) who organized the refreshments this evening. A special thanks to Bro. Bushan and his Son Bhishma for the delicious Samosas!
Again, it was really great to have all of us together contributing to such a wonderful afternoon!
With fraternal regards,
W. Dioclecio de Brito
Trafalgar Lodge No. 712